The Great New York City

The Great New York City
From 16-27 February 2007

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Wednesday - Shopping and Soho

We're delighted that the Subway was so simple to use, and this morning we bought a one-day metro pass to save our feet. Our plan is to take another look at Greenwich Village. I love this part of town as its buildings are more of a European size! There's a greater sense that's everything's within comfortable reach, and it's full of interesting shops. After dinner at a comfortable chain restaurant named Chicago..something, we find our way to St Marks Comics, along St Mark's Street. I pick up a cute Thunderbirds model. As I buy it, the girl behind the counter compliments me on my hat! Tim admires the comics and statues but doesn't buy anything. St Mark's is also home to some famous music shops and several of the grungier boutiques.

That day we also find a pub in Greenwich that is definitely fond of An American Werewolf in London. See the picture below. The fangirl in me cheers loudly! It's not really a pub you'd go into, though...the locals were unfriendly in the film! Seeing it here baffles me all the same.

The Slaughtered Lamb Pub. Providing the oppertunity to quote-til-annoying 'Where's the Lamb?'. Look, just go and watch American Werewolf in London, okay?

After a pleasant afternoon in Greenwich, we explore New York's Forbidden Planet (another comics shop) Virgin Records, and a gaming shop - all as research before the comic convention.

Then we take the subway back to the Rockefeller Centre.

Our feet are throbbing at this point. We notice that lots of people have the black Ash Wednesday cross on their forehead, probably having gone to the ceremonies after work. That means it was Shrove Tuesday yesterday. I feel very pancake deprived!

Absolutely exhausted, I get pizza slices and a gooey piece of cheesecake from the pattisserie in Times Square, and try to plan what I'll do tomorrow.