The Great New York City

The Great New York City
From 16-27 February 2007

Monday, February 19, 2007



We conk out and relax until midday, when we struggle out to the FlatIron building, and make the mistake of trying a White Castle burger meal deal (damn you Harold and Kumar)!! Not. A. Good. Idea. Consequently, unable to eat anything else all day... Feel better after a gallon of green tea from Starbucks, then we walk back via the beautiful Chrysler Bulding, and walk down an Avenue that's surprisingly sheltered from the Arctic winds. A nice second day in the city, and we promise ourselves a proper tour tomorrow.

1 comment:

Roland Hulme said...

Tina used to LOVE that White Castle crap! "It's what you crave!"

Harold and Kumar has a LOT to answer for.