The Great New York City

The Great New York City
From 16-27 February 2007

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Thursday - Epic day

Well, I'm lying. Not technically Epic. That afternoon, Tim goes to the convention centre near Hell's Kitchen, and I walk with him. He's there for a Graphic Novel presentation, about how important they are to the industry, the rise of Japanese imports (Manga) and so on. We had a latish start because our feet were already feeling the strain from yesterday.

Leaving Tim at the convention centre after a breakfast of overpriced Starbucks and bran muffin, I head back up the road, ignoring the many taxis in front of the building. Well, it didn't feel that far when I walked down the hill...such as it is for New York.

I'm halfway to Madison Square Gardens when I realise I have to find somewhere to rest, and luckily I'm pretty much at Macy's!

The plan today had been to look at all the shoes, clothes and girly stuff that I've been eying since I arrived here. Sadly, by now I don't feel good at all. My screaming feet rule out the shoe-shopping - even though I force myself to the top floor at Macys and go 'oooh'. As for buying anything else...I get a little overwhelmed. I wander around Macys a little longer, debating whether I should buy any MAC eye shadow or a skirt just to have the Macys bag!

Then suddenly it's almost 3pm, and I'm due to meet Tim at the hotel by 6pm. And I haven't eaten yet. I should mention here that neither of our phones have been set up to work in AMerica - no voicemail, and Tim's we only switch on to call abroad. I'm pretty tired and hungry by now anyway, so I decide to return to the hotel and relax in the sweet sweet warmth of our room.

In retrospect, I really shouldn't have eaten that falafel from the New Jerusalem diner, which sets off a headache an hour later. I conk out to the sound of Seinfeld on the telly (which has HBO, yay!) and wake up about fifteen minutes before Tim gets back.

The shopping day is a bit of a bust, but the nap has helped, and we hang out together for a bit with me reading the literature from Tim's meeting, while he relaxes and tells me about it.

Just over an hour afterwards, we pluck up the strength to go looking for food, and go to 'the biggest TGI's in America', which is within walking distance within Times Square.

Here, we have delicious Jack Daniels sauce smothered steaks, tender and juicy! The couple Long Island teas (not iced for some reason) smooth out the end of what was an annoyingly ragged day.

To make the ending a total no-brainer, we visit the cinema next to the Hilton. It's showing new movies, Ghost Rider and Epic Movie. For some bizarro reason we pick the latter. It's lame! No surprises there, but we go to sleep untroubled by things like, er, plot or narrative structure. And Kumar's in it...

Oh, and even more bizarrely, my Comic Con pass puts me down as 'creator'. This could be embarrassing (!) but it's also a good sign for the future.

1 comment:

Roland Hulme said...

As you know, I'm quite a TGI FRIDAY's afficianado, having met Tina there!

I've only been to the one in Times Square once, when i was horrified to discover they charged THREE TIMES what they did on my local TGI's on Rte 110.

Damn, the Sam Adams was good after trapsing around the city all day.

It's quite easy to get tuckered out and lose focus in the big apple. to maximise your days there, you need to plan things out like a military operation.

Hey - next time you're out there, maybe it'll be to visit Tina and I?