The Great New York City

The Great New York City
From 16-27 February 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Last last

Well, this whole week has been interesting. From an insane drive to tidy up the house (where did that come from?) at the weekend, to suddenly getting the offer of a job interview in London (woo hoo!), it's all sort-of piled up at once. We can only hope that this is a good thing, but I can't worry about any more right now because - we're leaving tomorrow!

Yup, the 9 days left has shrivelled to mere hours, and Tim and I will be across the Atlantic this time tomorrow. This is good, and I'm even almost packed, and then we'll be off!

I may want to invest in some thermals to avoid bulking up, however, because this is the weather report for the next ten days: COLD! According to at least. And this chilly picture from the New York Times!

It's starting to look like something from The Day After Tomorrow!
Okay, minus the icy tidal wave...and Donnie Darko. Hehe.

I'm feeling very tired though, and it's too bad that Tim's still finishing his work. Deadlines are a bitch right before a holiday! I hope there's a chance to relax once we actually reach the city.

So...where's my passport again?

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