The Great New York City

The Great New York City
From 16-27 February 2007

Friday, February 9, 2007

A week before the trip 16-27 February 2007

First of all, I'd like to clarify that the 'Haunted' reference in this blog is only to tie it with 'Jo's Haunted House' and what I hope to be several other blogs in order to spread my creative juices all over this tiny section of the vast internet.

It might work, it might not, and I could change it to something else entirely, but I'll stick with 'Haunted' until a more vivid word gets my attention.

So, boyfriend Tim and I are due to visit New York City in exactly 7 days.

Getting There

Taking a Virgin Transatlantic flight on the 16th February, and then staying at the Hilton Times Square until Monday 26th February.

This site is more for friends and family than anything else, and also for me to think about what I'm doing and discipline myself into keeping a journal like this. It'll be a little piece of proof that I can do it. I think this means I'll be visiting the Apple Store in New York every couple days! Or at least writing down more than I did on the LA trip!

Reasons for Trip

  • It's New York!
  • I've never been there before
  • Tim hasn't been there in 10 years
  • There's a BIG comic convention !
  • There are shoes as far as the eye can see...
  • It's New York!!!!!

It's also the setting for almost all my favourite movies. Unlike LA, where everywhere seemed vaguely familiar in a 'it was on 24' kind of way, New York contains dreams. Bear with me. It contains the films that have been created inside it, from Breakfast at Tiffanys to Leon. Oh, and definitely Ghostbusters!

Site that will be extremely useful: Movie Locations ! Where I've just read that Mary Jane from Sam Raimi's Spiderman worked at the Moondance Diner, 80 Sixth Avenue at Grand Street. I think we'll be eating there! Particularly during Comic Con week !

Another Sam Raimi connection comes from the show we've booked to see on the first night there. It's the last showing of Evil Dead: The Musical . It is about the only thing that would make me willingly attend a musical!

Another comic book link for the visit is the picture Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth.

This is at the Museum of Modern Art, and it's got a link to Preacher, as well as being a very cool picture in its own right.

I can't wait, and I'll be adding updates as often as I can.

Or I'll be enjoying myself too much until I get back!

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